
Kinderklimagipfel HD

Gemeinsam Müllsammeln

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Education for Sustainable Development

'Discover the world with us'

Education for Sustainable Development enables people to make decisions about their future based on ecological, environmental, economic and social aspects. It involves shaping skills to provide a certain set of values.

Going by the motto 'Discover the world with us', päd-aktiv encourages children to playfully address future-related topics and questions, take personal responsibility and shape their immediate environment in terms of sustainable development.

After all, they are both the key players in our educational facilities as well as creators of a sustainable world

On 30 March 2022, päd-aktiv received a national award for the 3rd time by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the German UNESCO Commission of Education for Sustainable Development.

The jury honoured päd-aktiv with the following statement:

päd-aktiv convinced the jury with its exemplary commitment to ESD and specific use of the UN's global Sustainable Development Goals. 'Education for Sustainable Development is firmly anchored in the services and holiday clubs provided by päd-aktiv e.V., which the organisation implements at all of Heidelberg’s state primary schools on behalf of the city of Heidelberg. A high level of quality can be ensured through innovative project ideas and an ongoing review process. The jury highlights the exemplary nature of the ESD activities offered by the association for the benefit of the region and beyond.